Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 18

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 18

QUESTION: The marriage feast of Matthew 22, some would come, the elect are invited, and when they wouldn’t come then everyone was invited???

ANSWER: Now wait a minute, that was not the elect who refused to come. This was a King and he was inviting the rich and the powerful, so they went out and asked all these people in the sovereignty of that king to come. In fact this is again in areas of physical identifiable capacities of authority and power. But everyone who did not come was those who did not have the spiritual capacity to understand, in fact these were those with no spiritual capacity. But out on the highways and by ways of the world was Lost Israel, who had spiritual capacities, and they were brought to the wedding. The people who were invited were symbolic of natural honour to people in high positions of wealth and responsibility, power and prestige, who would be naturally invited, but they had some excuse and they couldn’t come.

This man without the wedding garment, there is some question about as to whether this translation is true or not. In the Darby version, and some of the others this wedding garment is imputed righteousness, and this is given to all with the capacity to respond. What we are up against here in translation is the fact that the church tried to ghost this into shape, so as to cover some area of their interpretation.