Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 147

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 147

Zoroaster – The Prophet of Iran – Book Report

YOU HAVE HEARD ME SPEAK OF THIS ANCIENT SAGE OF THE PAST, this one called a Persian prophet of old, the forerunner of those wise men of the east who came and bowed before the majesty of the new born ‘Light of the World’. Have always been curious as to who this man was and why he came at his time, on the scene as things were developing there in the Middle East some time before the birth of the Christ child. Here today we are finding more information all the time which fills in the gaps in our knowledge as to these things which effected the lives of these Covenant people of old.

Today we have a book written by A.V. Williams Jackson, professor of Indo-Iranian languages in Columbia University. the book published in 1965. This work deals with the life and legend of Zoroaster this so called prophet of Iran, the representative and type of the laws of the Medes and the Persians who played a part in the Biblical story. It has been only in the last few years that we are getting translations of these ancient records, or any knowledge of any books having been written on the subject. We would remind you that the Medes and the Persians came into the scriptural picture as a portion of Judah and Benjamin and their portion of Levi went into captivity in Babylon, after the ten tribes of Israel and many of Judah had gone into captivity some time before this.

Therefore who was this Zoroaster, that we gained a glimpse of in the story of Alexander the Great of Greece as he came into the land in about 320 BC? As Alexander the Great came along the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains he found some of the ancient Priests of the Zoroastrian faith and their sacred fires. They had an ancient faith that Alexander seemed to understand and to respect. He gave orders that they were to be protected and left alone. Thus what was this Zoroastrian faith which seemed to be a National faith, a National religion? We are finding that this was an Aryan faith, thus would be called a National faith, where as the Buddha religion is a universal religion, one more shaped for a One World Age.

Today the veil of myth is being cast aside and it is now readily admitted that Zoroaster was a historical character that he brought the ancient Faith to its fullness with the Persians, who remember brought down the ancient Babylonian Empire after the Medes had tried to do this. And were the ones in place as the Judahites were allowed to go back to Palestine and try to rebuild their temple.

Now; the Magi were also reputed masters of learning in ancient times, and they were an organization started by Enoch and taught the meaning of the ancient Star Bible. And we find that Zoroaster also stood for this learning of antiquity. We find also that Pythagoras studied under the masters there in ancient Babylon before its taking over by the forces of evil. That Plato was also said to be anxious to visit the east and to study with the Magi, but the Persian Holy Wars with Greece prevented this. Aristotle was also familiar with the secret writings of Zoroaster and perhaps this is where Alexander the Great learned of him and his ancient religious beliefs, for remember that Alexander the Great was going east to try to find the beginning of the Aryan race.