England’s Balme

England’s Balme

WHEN I WAS FIRST CALLED BY HIS HIGHNESS, from my country, to wait upon him, to the end he might advise with the and some others, about some things tending to the regulation of the law; which I understood to have respect not only to the doctrine it self, and the things of amiss therein; but also, to all grievances and complaints of the nation: the Reformation whereof, must be either by the making of new laws that are wanting, or the Execution of old Laws that are made.

As to which work, I could not think myself alone (without help of others) fit, nor durst I presume to attempt more in it then this only, to look them out, and take them up from the mouth and pen of others; and these to contract into heads of grievances, and of some remedies annexed, as Questions all Cases to be debated only by such helpers as I expected in the work; and so by us to have been offered to the consideration of the next Parliament. And this rude model being thus prepared, and this parliament now convened and fitting, it hath been advised, that it be offered to your honors. And indeed I could not do otherwise, but I must acquaint you with what I have seen and heard; which cannot hurt