Vestiges of The Historic Anglo-Hebrews in East Anglia

Vestiges of The Historic Anglo-Hebrews in East Anglia

THIS volume is one of the effects issuing from the labours of the “Royal Archaeological Institute for Great Britain and Ireland.” Having been asked, in the spring of this year, by some friends interested in the researches and prosperity of that useful Association, to contribute a paper at their annual meeting, to be held this year at Bury St. Edmund’s; I acquiesced, and fixed upon the subject which gives the title to this publication. I considered it a proper theme for an Essay to be brought under the notice of an assembly of archaeologists, who were to meet in the town which bears the name of one of the kings of the East Angles. The subject commended itself to the Honorary Secretary of the Institute, and I forthwith set to work to isolate some materials for this particular purpose, from MSS. on kindred subjects, upon which many a year’s hard work and study had been bestowed.