Does The Book of Esther Belong in The Bible

Does The Book of Esther Belong in The Bible

As many know, the name of “God” or “Lord” does not appear even once in the book of Esther.  And I reject the Companion Bible’s assertion that it is hidden in acrostics seems a little too convenient (made up after the fact?) and Kabalistic to me.  Especially as there is no rhyme nor reason as to how the so-called acrostics are located.  It is as though someone just looked through the book for a couple of instances where certain words followed one another.  Remember that Bullinger was a friend of the converted Jew Ginsburg, and that Ginsburg was studied in the Cabbala (Kabbalah).  This type of counting and letter sequencing seems very Kabalistic.  I just don’t like the feel of it, at all; it seems eerily reminiscent of the “Bible Code” type spurious books.  “…no lie is of the truth” (1 John 2:21).