The New Ensign Library, consists of some 2000 reformatted books, as many of them were originally from very old copies with small print and in the old Gothic script making them difficult to read.
The books are filed under categories or in the case of prolific writers under the author’s name. For this reason, a book may be difficult to find, especially as some books lend themselves to be filed under several different categories!
To find a book
1) Use the New Ensign Search.
2) Enter a Key Word of The Title such as “Stonehenge”
3) Press enter
4) A list of titles will appear with this key Word – or if blank try another key word
NOTE: Books are not indexed under author, except the author categories, such as Wesley Swift, Compared etc.
Book Titles displayed in the library may not be as exactly shown on the book itself, due to space considerations.