Warning Dept Of Justice Dangerous To Americans

Warning Dept Of Justice Dangerous To Americans

Although the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., is not yet a serious challenge to the old Mack Sennatt comedies, or the leers and sneers of the “funnyman”, Charlie Chaplin, its antics concern many Americans, who do not know whether to laugh or cry, as each new revelation of the department’s ventures into insanity are laid before the American public.

We have recently witnessed the spectacle of a “Special Prosecutor” from the Justice Dept., Lawrence Walsh, spending forty million dollars of taxpayers money to find out whether Col. Oliver North paid for two tires. This is more money than the Credit Bureau has spent in its entire existence ! We also witnessed the ludicrous spectacle of a black man, William Lucas, who was appointed by President Bush to the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, being harried and torn by the most fanatical leftwing Senators from the Democratic Parry. They turned him down flat, sending a clear message that the black man had better stay in his place. Lucas’ offense was not that he was black, but that he had strayed off the plantation, until he was picked up by the “patterole”, as the old slave chasers were known. There is a clear understanding in Washington that the “civil tights” movement not only is limited to blacks, (no whites need apply for relief under its stringent protection but it is also the private preserve of the old hard line Stalinist-Communist wing of the national Democratic Party. It maintains its private army of Stepin Fetchits, who cringe and laugh whenever the Democratic leaders, such as Senator Edward (Chappaquiddick) Kennedy, bark, and no “civil rights” effort is allowed unless it is authorized by the party of Bella Moscovitz and the secret Harold Ware cell of Communist government officials in Washington. Lucas not only ran away from the plantation, he actually joined the Republican Party, and attempted to take office in Washington under its auspices. This was not to be. Amazingly enough, Bush refused to appoint Lucas to the civil rights post anyway, giving it to him as an “interim” appointment until 1990, on the cowardly excuse that to make such an appointment might “offend” the Democratic leaders in Congress. They had already trashed Lucas in public, for the entire nation to see, and Bush dared not rob them of their Muscovite victory by going over their heads. As King George IV, representing the Bank of England, Bush has served notice that he will observe all the bylaws of “bipartisanship”, meaning that whenever the interests of Republican voters, who elected him President, conflict with the wishes of the old Stalinist leaders of the Democratic Party, he will ignore the people who elected him, and will vote for the Democratic program. No doubt he has good reason for doing so; there is not only the central bank policy of “bipartisanship”, which has been imposed by force upon the American people; there are also the unpleasant reminders of what happens to Presidents who refuse to go along with the Moscow line. Nixon was hounded from office, directly negating the Presidential election which had put him in the White House; there was an attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan shortly after he took office, to remind him that certain people were still extremely displeased that he had defeated the Democratic candidate, What’s His Name, for the Presidency. Reagan got the message, and never again challenged the Stalinist Communists of the Democratic Party during his two terms in office.