We are talking again upon the subject which relates to the family, to the household of God. And that subject is predestined to conform to the image of Son. Many of you now know that you are the children of God, and as we say this we are not speaking of a persuasion of mind, which comes with preaching. We are not talking about something which psychologically takes place because someone has asked you to believe. We are not talking about something which has made you a son because of what you believe. We are well aware that Evangelists throughout the ages have taught that if you only believe then you are a son of God, but there is nothing inside the scriptures which tells you that by any process of belief that you become a son of God. I want you to know that the only reason why you are the sons and daughters of God is because you were begotten by the spirit of the Eternal Father, and that your Celestial being is the issue in Spirit, in light, and life of the Father. And in earth, you are the children of Adam who was the son of God, in the flesh. I want you to know that this was the issue of God, the life of God, the breath of God. And it does not have in its original significance the same Hebrew word, as made or mould something. Instead the word is issue. There are two kinds of people and there are different kinds of creations. There are those male and female created He them, of the 6th day creation. And then there is the 7th day Issue, Audaum, the House of God. Adam, the man whom God placed in earth for the building of His Kingdom, this Kingdom being His own Household, and the Kingdom of God being an administration over this earth in the areas of government and of life. A full administration, which shall develop into every phase of given light. With this recognition then, God transferred a household from heaven to earth. He embodied that household and He has been transferring His Celestial sons and daughters from their Celestial realms to earth, by the process of birth. Involved in this process are many mysteries
Conforming to The Image of The Son
Conforming to The Image of The Son