Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 6

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 6

THIS IS THE SIXTH IN A SERIES OF MONTHLY TEACHING LETTERS. If you have not received any of my previous teaching letters, please send $2.00 for each back issue you would like to have. These teaching letters are not just the average run-of-the-mill type of letter. If you really want to learn the Scripture’s deepest hidden truths, you will not want to miss any of these back issues.

On my last mailing, I ran into a problem with the post office. On Thursday, August 27th., I dropped 100 of my monthly letters in the outgoing mail in the evening after the post office had closed. The next day, when I was in the process of mailing out more material, the clerk at the window informed me that they had all of my 100 letters in a box and they were all overweight and I would have to add 23 cents of postage to each one of them. I had tested all of my mailing on my Pitney Bowes counterbalanced scales at home, and I was sure I was under one ounce.

Even the post office’s special digital scales showed I was under an ounce in testing. I finally checked the weight of 100 un-printed pages against the weight of 100 printed pages and a difference of 5% showed up (enough to make my letters overweight). After much checking, I found that the toner on the paper adds about 5% to the weight of the paper. I tried to find a lighter weight paper, but was not able to find anything lighter than 20 lb. that I could use. My only other alternative was to reduce the size of page 5. After much figuring, I found by reducing my fifth page 21.6 square inches, I could get down to an ounce. I finally decided on cutting a legal size page (14 x 8.5 in.) in half, and that reduces the fifth page 34 square inches which should be enough to keep the letter under an ounce. You will notice a difference, as a result of this, with this letter.