THIS IS MY FIFTY-FIFTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. This lesson will be a continuation of a series in a walk-through of Daniel. The object of this walk- through is to show there is an overlap of Daniel’s prophecy into the book of Revelation. Inasmuch as most Bible students recognize Daniel’s prophecy as being “Historical” in nature, it is only reasonable to conclude that the overlapped prophecy from Daniel into the book of Revelation is also “Historical” in nature.
In lesson # 54 for October, 2002, we discussed the “little horn” of Daniel 8:9. As I had pointed out, the “little horn” in that passage is not the same as the “little horn” of Daniel 7:8. How often have you read or heard someone referring to the “little horn” of Daniel, and they never indicate which “little horn” of Daniel they are talking about. To many, both “little horns” are the same entity in their reasoning, and that simply is not true. To comprehend where we are on our walk through Daniel, you will need back issues #49, #53 & #54. In the last lesson (#54) we established that the “little horn” of Daniel 8:9 was Mohammed. Because Mohammed played such a key part in Daniel chapter 8, it will be necessary for us to spend an entire lesson on him.