Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 23

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 23

THIS IS THE TWENTY-THIRD MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER since I started to publish them in May of 1998. In the last lesson, I presented some facts on the deadly doctrine of universalism. I am planning to bring you more on this subject in future lessons. Before I finished the last lesson, I ended up getting on the subject of Esau-Edom. With this lesson, I am going to go more in depth into the subject of Esau and his progeny.

I am not sure how long this will take, but I will continue until the topic is pretty well covered. Most people in Israel Identity seem to understand Edom better than they do Cain, but there is much more to understand about Esau than has been presented in the past. Before I get into this subject in detail, I will present some “facts” that are simply not true. There is nothing like getting some dead wood out of the way at the start. For those who believe the scriptures are without scribal errors, I will be showing you such an error of monumental proportions. These kinds of errors can be found in both the Old and New Testaments. Once we deal with the translation errors, then we must contend with the idioms. Unless we make an effort to understand the idioms, we will miss most of the message of Scripture. Scripture simply cannot be taken literally when idioms are involved. Every serious Bible student needs to get the small booklet Idioms Of The Bible Explained by George M. Lamsa published by Harper-Collins.