Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 16

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 16

THIS IS THE SIXTEENTH IN A SERIES OF TEACHING LETTERS. In the last three letters (#13 through #15), I have been continuing the much neglected story of the Zerah branch of Judah. If you don’t already have issues 13 through 15, you will need them to go along with this lesson. To understand the entire Judah story, you will need all of the issues from #1 through #15, including this one. I have not yet reached the end of the story of the true British church as opposed to the false Roman Catholic Church. Here is a a brief summary of lesson #15:

First I covered the Boadicean war, and gave you some background history on what caused it. I next brought forward the astounding information showing that Apostle Paul and Rufus Pudens were half-brothers. I am sure there are many who have never heard, or have become aware of this fact. Continuing, it was discussed at length how Good King Lucius was the first to nationalize the church which was established by Joseph of Arimathea. I finished up letter #15 with the subject of Constantine the Great, which is a quite different version than the usual account given by most historians.

For all of you who are helping in the support of this teaching ministry, I want to thank you very much. I am trying to bring you the most exciting informative facts I can find. There is no reason why history has to be dull. I was not able to finish the subject on the man, Emperor Constantine, in the last teaching letter, so I will continue it here.