Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 15

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 15

THIS IS THE FIFTEENTH IN A SERIES OF TEACHING LETTERS. In the last two letters (#13 and #14), I have been bringing you the much neglected story of the Zerah branch of Judah. You will need these back issues to go along with this one. As a matter of fact, you will need all of the issues from #1 to #14, if you don’t already have copies of them. This story of Judah is very complicated, and requires much study and research to comprehend. In the last fourteen issues, I feel I have only scratched the surface of what should be known of the Judah and Tamar story. It is important to include Tamar, for if there had not been a Tamar, there never would have been a Tribe of Judah, and thus a Redeemer for Israel! We came within one woman (Tamar) of not having our redemption. It is so sad to think that many only consider her a common street whore. That is because they really don’t know the full story. This proves how shallow some people’s understanding is, and that includes a lot of professional men of the cloth. Learning the truth might not be very popular, as some may considered it to be on the lunatic fringe.

Once again, I want to thank everyone of you who are helping with the expenses of this ministry. I have tried to make this monthly letter something different and beyond the average run-of-the-mill teaching instrument. I am persuaded you will have to concede that I am getting into areas of study and research which many others have not brought forth, nor care to touch. I know that I am quoting extensively from various sources, but I am trying to condense the most important facts and arrange them in an understandable order. My major concern is — there are many fast talking so-called teachers and preachers out there doing incomprehensible damage faster than I can make repairs. The only way I know to fight this kind of error is with truth, more truth, and still more truth; but truth is not popular. It isn’t now nor ever was. Many people feel more comfortable with something less than the truth.