THIS IS THE TWELFTH IN A SERIES OF TEACHING LETTERS. This will complete the first full year for me in researching, compiling and writing these letters. Since I have completed a whole year of publishing these letters, I plan to bind them up in plastic comb binders and offer them as my first yearbook and include them on my list of teaching aids. My plan is to offer these teaching letter year books as Yahweh gives me time to do it. I have designed my writings in a fashion so they will not go out of date.
In my last (eleventh) teaching letter, I told you the object of these teaching letters was to remind you we still have an enemy — that we are in a war — and the enemy has not gone away. I reminded you we have had this enemy now for over 7,000 years, and there exists over this period an enmity (hatred) between us and them since Genesis 3:15, which continues today. The enmity is actually a religion of “hate”, as the enemy correctly designates it. I brought to your attention this ongoing hatred is a two-way phenomenon between we the White race and the satanic descendants of Cain. I reiterated this hate was not going to be reconciled until one or the other parties are completely destroyed (Malachi 4:1) — that it is a war to the death — that it was, and still is, a war between the descendants of Eve by Adam and the descendants of Satan and Eve through Cain.