THIS IS THE ELEVENTH IN A SERIES OF TEACHING LETTERS. The object of these teaching letters is to remind you we still have an enemy — we are in a war — that the enemy has not gone away. We have had this enemy now for over 7,000 years, and the enmity (hatred) that exists between them and us, has existed ever since Genesis 3:15, and is still with us today! Yes, it is a religion of “hate.” The enemy often uses this term while pointing us out as the hating party. It is probably the only truth they have ever told, but it is only a half-truth. If you will read Genesis 3:15 quite closely, you will discover it is a two-way hatred.
The enemy neglects to tell you the other side of the story, their hatred for us. This two-way hatred has been escalating throughout all these years. It is a very natural thing for our enemy to hate us, and if we can ever shake off the brainwashing our people have been victims to, that we should love everybody, there is a very natural hatred underlying our beings also. It is a Yahweh given hatred, so don’t fight this Divine given hatred, but let it come to the surface where it belongs. The enemy makes no qualms about their hatred for us in their secret meetings. It’s not my words, but Yahweh’s Word, And I will put HATRED between thee and the woman, and between thy descendants and her descendants.