Christmas is Not Christian

Christmas is Not Christian

THERE ARE NOT MANY OF THE THINGS WE USE TO CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS THAT IS NOT IN VIOLATION OF GOD’S LAWS. With this and many other celebrations that we have, which are also in violation of God’s Laws, with more Judeo-Christian pastors, ministers, teachers and etc., who are teaching Jewish Fables and other false teachings; is it any wonder that our country has more crime, rapes, dishonesty, thieves, murderers, baby killers and etc., than at any time in our history.

Although few 20th-Century American Christians seem to see any significance in it, it is true the Christian founders of America not only did NOT celebrate the December 25th ‘Holiday,’ but attempted to prevent its observance by others in the Colonies.

Following are two reproductions of two newspaper clippings which verify the Christian Colonists’ action; articles which should make ever modern Christian want to know WHY Early American Christians did NOT celebrate “Christmas!” “IT’S A FACT! Christmas was not established as a legal holiday throughout the U.S. until late in the 19th century. In 1659 the Puritan colony in Massachusetts passed a law that anyone ‘found observing any such day as Christmas or the like, either by forbearing labour, feasting or in any other way, shall be fined five shillings.’ Many early Americans who refused to work on Christmas either went to jail or paid fines.” (Arizona Currents December, 1968, page 5)