In 1950, Senator Pat McCarran said to me, “If the American people ever find out what the Jews are doing to them, they won’t leave a Jew alive from coast to coast.” An official of the American Jewish Congress said “We must never lose sight of the fact that the only thing preventing pogroms in the United States today is our watchful control over the channels of communication.” And in 1977 a Jewish columnist wrote, “We have been overthrown by the television show Roots, as many whites have been inculcated with feelings of shame, fear and guilt by this revelation of black history. This should warn us that we are sitting on a powder keg, if unfriendly elements should be allowed the chance to present the Jews in an unfavourable light on television. The success of Roots must reinforce our determination to deny native fascist elements any and all opportunities to use the media to spread their poison to impressionable Americans.”
This fear among the Jews is real because the crimes of the Jews are real. As Senator McCarran pointed out to me the rage of Americans, once aroused by a factual chronicling of the of the Jews, would be unleashed in one of the most terrible strokes of vengeance ever known.
We all know that the principal function of the United States Government today is to maintain Jewish dictatorship over the American workers. On every hand, American citizens groan under censorship, denial of civil rights and oppressive taxation which finances the genocide campaign of the Jews against the Arab people. We suffer the proliferation of government agents who force their way into every aspect of our private lives to enforce Jewish decrees against the people. How did the Jews attain this power? The record can be useful to us. A numerically small and physically weak group. of parasites encysted itself in the main avenues of American life. By maintaining absolute discipline in their ranks, they seized control of the most powerful nation in the world. Always beginning in commerce, frequently by dealing in second-hand or stolen goods, they branched out into government, religion, education and communications. In every case, their gains were used to increase Jewish power over the people.