British Lion No. 14 – January 1927

British Lion No. 14 – January 1927

Optimism has been the dominating characteristic of the usual flood of forecasts for the New Year.

Such cheerfulness is commendable and its apparent sincerity more so, but honest examination of facts res­trains us from sharing such views.

Far be it from us wilfuly to paint a gloomy picture of the future; the realities which must be faced are grim, and no amount of nebulous platitudes will surmount the difficulties that lie ahead. It is a pleasing pastime to build castles in the air, to Counè oneself into believing that all is well, and to sit comfortably in cheerful expectation. To wake up and find hopes dreams abortive and hopes shattered is the penalty of such idle romance. We know of all too much strife on foot to be optimistic.

The class war may have become a trifle less vigorous over the Christmas season, when “Peace on earth, goodwill towards men” permeated our Christian festivities, but such is the present state of things that The Master’s message passes readily into that oblivion where it is compelled to remain by the seeker after industrial unrest.

The class war and the complexity of the machinations responsible for its promotion, remain with increased bitterness at the commencement of Anno Domini 1927, and for that reason we can see no real industrial peace of a duration which will make some compensation for the strife that has almost been the undoing of the nation. We would dearly love to be justifiably lulled into that sense of security which the acceptance of the “Pinks” as moderates so readily afford. Equally so, we would love to feel that goodwill and co-operation were possible in industry throughout the coming twelve months, and that both “Pinks” and “Reds” would learn that the econo­mic fundamental of our national existence is Capital and Labour in harmony. Unfortunately, we find England to­day struggling for her markets with strife between the two component parts of her industries. Both “Reds” and “Pinks” refuse anything in the nature of a com­promise, with very few exceptions. On the other hand, we find a few “Capitalists” animated by a true sense of magnanimity, extending in tangible form the co-operative hand to their employees.