Here at the first of August of 1997, we are finally beginning to understand as to what happened from July 20 to 26th. Many times we have to wait until later to find out these things which gives us more understanding as to what is going on.
As Hale-Bopp begins to grow dim then we were picking up from radio another story as to what was probably being given to us so that we would have more knowledge and understanding as to what is going on in our world. It was that there is another line of evidence as would bring to us this understanding. This we are speaking of is a group of men and women who have been scientists for years and now are beginning to wonder as to what is being planned by those now in power. This group has been studying the connection between the city of Phoenix, Arizona and the moon, and the planet Mars, and the ancient pyramid of Giza.
Another Source of Knowledge
Another Source of Knowledge