A Grimm Affair

A Grimm Affair

“A GRIMM AFFAIR” FOCUSES ON THE TALES OF THE BROTHERS GRIMM, stories which have nearly been forgotten due to the plague of television which has stolen our minds, as well as those of our children. Most of us have at least heard of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, but very few could specifically name any one of their 200+ tales. Many would be surprised to know that these two not only composed such timeless tales as Rapunzel, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood, Rumplestiltskin, and Snow White, but also “anti-semetic” and folkish like tales. Written in Germany during the early 19th century, these tales far surpass anything put out by Disney; these are the REAL stories, before Michael Eisner slaughtered them and turned them into a multi-ethnic extravaganza.