Men or Beasts

Men or Beasts

AS WE TURN IN OUR SUBJECT TONIGHT MEN OR BEASTS, few know much about them. Many ministers do not know the difference between the creatures on the earth. And some of them erroneously as men, and think them as all people are one and the same. One of the greatest areas of Clergy in their lack of understanding is that they try to make you think that everyone on the face of earth descended from Adam. And to arrive at a conclusion that is more serious is to conceive that now everyone who exists on the earth came out of the house of Noah. And that all of the clashes we have today in the race question emerged out of Noah.

Thus, the whole world is brought back to one man, and his family. However one is not a bible student if he is not aware of this. And the churches which are accepting this is bound to be out of step with the truth of the Bible. One of these days there will be a great awakening and they will discover the great catastrophe which is now descending upon the children of the kingdom. Probably there is no single transgression in the scriptures, conceivably opposed by the Most High God, by his teaching, than this intermingling, this mongrelisation of races. And it is quite obviously that one of these great areas of catastrophe that is descending upon us is by Supreme Court decisions.

Mechanics of The Kingdom

Mechanics of The Kingdom

THIS AFTERNOON, as we are discussing the ‘mechanics of the Kingdom,’ there are a great many people who do not understand God’s purpose in the earth, as it relates to them and to their race, and as to establishing of God’s Kingdom in earth as it is in heaven. Because of this, they do not understand the processes in the revelation of and the purposes of God in the earth. As we have said unto you in the past, that the will of God’s sovereignty and the revelation of it and that which God has determined do, He shall bring to pass.

We have discussed this that as God predetermined, He did predestine, and there were certain things that He was going to do and this is the prerogative of God, because He is God. And this also is important to you and to your understanding because you know in your declaration that the Eternal God is omniscience, and has all power and possesses all abilities. And the very essence of His Spirit holding all things together, is an Omnipresent factor which relates to God and His ever present Universe. And we predicate our thought upon the Eternal nature of our Father, and the very words themselves, as we associate them with these ideas.

Measures From The Heavens

Measures From The Heavens

TONIGHT AS WE TURN TO SOME OF THE MEASURES OF THIS YEAR we discover of course that this is to be a very eventful year from its beginning. We said here last Sunday night that the signs in the heavens were meant to be read, or they never would have been placed there. In the days when Enoch was inspired with patterns of revelations, he was taken into the heavens, and he was there shown the ‘Gospel of the Heavens’ called the “Gospel of the sky”, and he was shown the signs of the Zodiac and the houses of the sun and the moon, and the movement of the Planets, showing their various orbits and how they squared and opposed and the measures which were given to him; this knowledge given to him to know he wrote down as it was called: “The Gospel of the heavens” he thus interpreted the measures and the signs, and some of these are disclosed in the books he wrote: “The mysteries of Enoch” and the “Secrets of Enoch” each contained some of this knowledge.

Seth, another of the original Magi was instructed with some of this knowledge, in fact given much instructions in this matter.

The Gospel message of the Stars not only covered much of the world, but every single type of concept. The scripture says in the 19th Psalm vs. 4 “Their line is gone out through the earth, and their words to the ends of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun” In the F.F. version it is still the story of the Zodiac: “There is no speech or tongue, where their voice is not heard. To all lands they bring hope, the whole world hears their speech”.

The Manifestation of The Sons of God

The Manifestation of The Sons of God

WE MENTIONED LAST SUNDAY ABOUT THE FACT THAT THE BAPTIST CONVENTION WAS FAR TO THE LEFT, and then the Liberal theologians were way off to the left. For they are talking about the total integration of all people. They are not going to pay any attention to any of the old stuff, for everyone is a Christian now days.

So today everyone is to worship together, and they are going to marry together, and live together. Everyone is the same for they all came from Adam and then all came from Noah. So they are making these statements.
Now we mentioned this last Sunday. They say the first one to be baptized was of course the Ethiopian. And we told you last Sunday that this Ethiopian was a white Israelite, and not a Negro. But the reason why they thought he was a black man was that he came from North Africa. But in scriptures they referred to this man as an Ethiopian just as you would to one from Europe as a European.

The fact of the matter was that he was reading Hebrew, and was heading for Jerusalem and the Temple. And at that time they would not have allowed a Negro in the Temple in Jerusalem. And besides, the Negroes did not read Hebrew in those days. In fact this was a man at the head of the Treasury of Queen Caddice the Ethiopian queen and Israelite from the colony of long ago started by Queen Sheba and the son of Solomon. This man was the chief of the treasury and a man of great brilliance. And he was baptized by Philip while he was on the way to the temple.