A Study of The Scripture No. 3

A Study of The Scripture No. 3

AS WE TURN TO CONSIDER THE GREATNESS OF THIS EVENT, we realize that it is a good thing for Christians to recognize the birth of The Christ as the greatest individual event that happened in the course of the history of this earth. Without a doubt nothing was more important to our race since we were placed in the earth, than the return by the coming of The Christ, to our relationship with God. The most significant things concerning these events that we celebrate in our Christmas observance is the realization that almost 1/4 of a million years is involved in these developments. What would we mean by that since our race has only been on the earth for not quite 7400 years? Since the days from the coming out of the garden by Adam to Christ was 5400 years, and it has not been quite 2000 years since then thus making almost 7400 years then it must be because certain events were involved.

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod, the king behold! There came wise men from the east saying: “Where is HE born KING in Judea?” For we have seen his star in the east and have come to worship him. If you will check the word Jew in your concordance you will find the word means as to a country, thus the above quotation is correct for Matt: 2:2. “We have seen his Star in the East”. How would they know which star to look for? In the east are thousands upon thousands of stars, a multiple of 10 times 126 trillion stars fill the sky from east to west and then north to south any single 24-hour day. How then would the Wise men have known that a king was to be born in Judea, and then say: “We have seen his star?”

Autobiography Ella Rose Mast

Autobiography Ella Rose Mast

I ARRIVED IN EARTH AUGUST 26, 1912–-the third child in a farm family of five children near Summerfield, Kansas. Mother and Dad were young and very active in school and church events and we kids grew up in such an atmosphere. Dad pitched for a community ball team and my two brothers and my younger sister and I played ball as soon as we were able to participate. My oldest sister was the lady of the family.
My mother was only 5’2″ but a barrel of dynamite, so perhaps that is why my younger sister and I were such tomboys. Back in those days it was not considered nice for a lady to wear boys clothes or even ride a horse any way but side saddle, but my Dad decided that mother and my younger sister and I looked better in overalls doing the things we did at times. When Dad, in 1925, suggested taking his family and ‘going west’ perhaps the neighbours thought it a good idea. Many thought that there were still Indians in Western Kansas at that time.
Dad had an aunt who lived with her family Northwest of Scott City, Kansas and he made a trip west and purchased some land west of the Potter Ranch. He returned to Eastern Kansas and the Dave Tucker Family then moved west. My older sister was unhappy leaving friends but the rest of us kids piled into the Model A Ford with the side curtains in place and we headed west, on a great adventure. At the ranch we settled in for the fall school year, and my older sister moved to Scott City to finish her High School years. My older brother stayed home to help Dad get the Ranch stocked and in working order. My younger brother and sister were in my care as I drove a little covered wagon–-hitched to a blind horse–-the 4 miles to our country school..

A Study of The Scripture No. 2

A Study of The Scripture No. 2

ABRAM WAS BORN IN CHALDEA THE SON OF TERAH, the Prime Minister of that country, under king Nimrod. As you have followed the generations of the Adamic race through the book of Genesis you will recall that Nimrod was from the linage of Ham, as you come to Abram you find that he is from the lineage of Shem. This is still the same race of people, and they have now been called the Adamites, the Sethites, the Shemites, and Hamites, and Japhet people, and now they move into their destiny as the Hebrews and later the Israelites, but still one people, one race, and YAHWEH-God’s Israel people are dwelling now in earth.

According to the book of Jasher on the night of Abrams birth the men of King Nimrod’s court came to the home of the Prime Minister to drink and eat, to rejoice with Terah at the birth of his son. As they were leaving the home of Terah they lifted their eyes toward the heavens and they saw a strange thing. A star, a large star came from the east and it swallowed up four stars from the four sides of the heavens. Those watching were amazed, and they consulted among themselves as to the meaning of this. They decided that from the signs in the sky on this night of the birth of this son, born to Terah, that this child would grow up to be fruitful and would multiply and possess the earth.

A Study of The Scripture No. 1

A Study of The Scripture No. 1

THIS STUDY IS IN THREE PARTS. The first from Genesis 1:1 to the great Patriarch Abraham. The second from Abraham to Christ, and the third covers the Birth of YAHSHUA and HIS ministry as YAHSHUA-Messiah.


To understand the above quotation, we must know something about the patterns of yesterday, about the antiquity of the earth, and about the ingenuity and technique which God is developing among HIS people as HE brings things to their remembrance as HE stirs within them a desire to know, and to proclaim Truth. In our search for Truth, we will be speaking about God, Man, Nations and Races of people.