The Last Signpost

The Last Signpost


(Mark 1. 15)

WE ARE GETTING VERY NEAR THE END OF THE JOURNEY. It has been long, hard, and dangerous: the road often rough and stony, many foot getting torn and wounded. But the glad news is this, that the end is at hand; the end of “this present evil age”, as the Scriptures call it. Soon the “King” is coming, to mete out His rewards of honour and service to those who have been “found faithful”. These Overcomers, we are told, will then live and reign with him a thousand years” clothed in His own resurrection Image of immortality.

We thus see, that although this little book is entitled “The Last Sign Post”, it is not so much the End we wish to look at, but a glorious New Beginning. Not a Departure, but a wonderful Arrival, reaching the Dawn of a new and long-awaited Day of Peace on earth, in which men will be led to do God’s Will here in earth, as in heaven.

As far as “this present evil age” is concerned, we are not out of the wood yet. There is a dark cloud gathering! But, to all who have eyes to see, this cloud has a magnificent silver (if not ‘golden’) lining! Those who are in close touch with God and with His truth and revelation and Word for us today, who rejoice in that “wore sure word of prophecy, whereunto we do well that we take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn”, are not fearing pending evil. Their “heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord”! Are you one of these? and if not, why not?

A Short History of Our English Bible

A Short History of Our English Bible

Early Church History and The English Bible

BEFORE THE END OF THE SECOND CENTURY AD the gospel was brought to London, England. There might have been early translations of portions of the Greek New Testament into English. None are extant[1]. It remained for missionaries from Rome in the fifth century to bring Jerome’s Latin Vulgate to England[2]. The need was great for an English translation of the Bible[3].

Medieval Church History and The English Bible

An intelligible liturgy that both priest and laity could understand gave an impetus for the paraphrasing of Scripture into the English language. Foremost of the portions of the Bible paraphrased became the Psalms, sometimes with meter[4]. Caedmon, (a seventh century monk) made a metrical version of some portions of Scripture. Bede translated the Gospels into English.

It is alleged that he finished translating the Gospel of John on his deathbed in A.D. 735. Alfred the Great (reigned 871-899) translated the Psalms and the Ten Commandments[5]. Some interlinear translations remain from the tenth century[6]. The Lindisfarne Gospels are cited as the most famous of this period (ca. 950)[7].

Aelfric (ca. 955-1020) made idiomatic translations of Scripture portions. Two of these exist until today. Almost three hundred years later, William of Shoreham and Richard Rolle each translated the Psalter. Rolle’s work included a verse by verse commentary. Both Psalters were popular at the time of John Wycliffe (ca. 1329-1384)[8].

They and You Are Called “Christians:” Why?

They and You Are Called “Christians:” Why?

And the disciples were called Christians first at Antioch (Acts 11:26).

WE ALL UNDERSTAND THIS VERSE—or do we? Obviously it means that the name “Christian” was not applied to anyone until it was given to the Israelite Disciples of Christ that day in Antioch. But WHO CALLED THEM CHRISTIANS? Did the Jews? Did the Romans? Or did GOD call them Christians?

God speaks to His people in Isaiah 62:2 — “—-And thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name. ” And in Isaiah 65:15 God tells Israel through the prophet Isaiah that HE will “. . . call his servants by another name.”

As good as our various English transla­tions of the Bible may be, they are unable to bring out all that is in the Greek. In his book THE MINISTER AND HIS GREEK NEW TESTAMENT, A. T. Robertson says, regarding our English translations, “It is not possible to reproduce the delicate turns of thought, the nuances of language, in translation (to English). The freshness of the strawberry cannot be preserved in any extract.”

The Original Geneva Bible

The Original Geneva Bible

CHRISTIANITY IS THE RELIGION OF THE INCARNATE WORD, JESUS CHRIST, AND OF THE WRITTEN WORD, THE BIBLE. Wherever Christianity has gone, it has developed translations of Scripture as a necessity. The promise of Pentecost, where people of various origin heard of “the wonders of God in their own tongues” (Acts 2:11), has been fulfilled and continues to be increasingly fulfilled in the process of Bible translation. The whole Bible, or portions thereof, is now available in print in more than 2,000 languages.

In the British Isles, turbulent times accompanied the work of translating Scripture, but the first written translation of the whole Bible was made under the influence of John Wycliffe (c. 1330–1384). Even though it had to be copied by hand, and in spite of a prohibition against English translations, there are still some two hundred manuscripts of it extant.

The first published text was William Tyndale’s translation of the New Testament (1526), based on the Greek and Hebrew texts, in Worms, Germany. He had completed the translation of the Pentateuch, Jonah, and Joshua-2 Chronicles before being martyred in 1536.

 The Hoskin Report – Sacred Food

 The Hoskin Report – Sacred Food

THE CHRISTIAN WEST has been conquered. Its God is being replaced with the god of its conqueror. Observance of many things done formerly in obedience to the God of Israel is now outlawed by the conqueror’s statutes – Sabbath “blue laws,” trial by strangers, taxes, imprisonment to punish, and racial intermarriage, to name a few.

The following is a brief study of the ancient Western ritual of eating; who, when, and under what conditions one eats. To insist on observance of these eating rituals today would be to incur the wrath, and punishment, of the king who has outlawed them.

However, from an historical standpoint, it is educational to study what our ancestors considered to be important. It is even more interesting to note professional Christian organizations and people WHO HAVE NO EXCUSE FOR THEIR REFUSAL TO DO THAT WHICH GOD REQUIRES. Their REFUSAL speaks louder than their words. It tells you their probable commitment to the rest of the WORD which is God.

The Bible – For Whom was it Written?

The Bible – For Whom was it Written?

IT MAY NOT HAVE OCCURRED TO YOU, but the Bible was written about and to only one people and nation – the nation of true Israel. The only time other people were ever mentioned in the Bible was when they came into contact with God’s people, Israel.
These few pages present a brief sketch of the creations, as we read in the book of Genesis. We examine the creation of the non-Adamic races. We, also, witness the creation of the white Adamic race. God created them as his own special people, whose name was changed to Israel at the time of Jacob.
Unless otherwise noted, we have used the King James Version for scriptural reference. In a few places we have referred to other versions for further clarity and this has been noted. So let’s begin:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.” (John 1:1-2)
We chose to start off with these verses because they show how, with the exception of Adam and Eve, God created every thing into existence by the spoken word.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)
“And God said, let the waters under heaven be gathered together into one place, and let dry land appear: and it was so.” (Genesis 1:9)
With these select verses we have a rough sketch of the beginning of God’s creations, as recorded by Moses in our Bible. The creation, first, of the heaven and the earth. No time frame was given and there has been much conjecture about the length of a year and the total length of the creation process. For this study we won’t concern ourselves with it – only the chronological order of events.

Biblical Gardening

Biblical Gardening

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1

THERE IS SO LITTLE WRITTEN ON THE SUBJECT OF BIBLICAL GARDENING. Plants that are mentioned in the bible have been covered well. I’m hoping, however, that this document will spark more interest in the laws of biblical gardening and help us to return to a more biblical way of life. This is not intended to be an exhaustive study, nor is it intended to be the only gardening reference in your collection. This document should be used in conjunction with the bible, and with organic gardening books, many of which have helpful hints at planting seeds, increasing yield/productivity, companion planting for pest control, and collecting seeds.

All biblical quotes are from the Authorized King James Version (AKJV) of the bible, with the LORD and GOD replaced with YHWH, the proper Hebrew transliterated name of God. This name is pronounced “Yahweh” according to many biblical scholars. “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.” – Matthew 6:9

Italics are retained and were added to the text by the translators of the AKJV. Removing them sometimes gives different meanings to the text. Bold is added for emphasis.

“And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for YHWH God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.” – Genesis 2:5

Genghis Khan, The Mongols and Asia to 1300

Genghis Khan, The Mongols and Asia to 1300

THE KNIGHTS AT THEIR TOURNAMENTS, IN THEIR FINERY, ARMOUR AND EMBLEMS OF ANCESTRY, believed they were the foremost warriors in the world, while Mongol warriors thought otherwise. Mongol horses were small, but their riders were lightly clad and they moved with greater speed. These were hardy men who grew up on horses and hunting, making them better warriors than those who grew up in agricultural societies and cities. Their main weapon was the bow and arrow. And the Mongols of the early 1200’s were highly disciplined, superbly coordinated and brilliant in tactics.

The Mongols were illiterate, religiously shamanistic and sparsely populated, perhaps no more than around 700,000 in number, living in good-sized felt tents. They were herdsmen around an area called Karakorum. They had been moving across great distances on the grassy plains — steppe lands — north and east of China, frequently fighting wars over turf. Before 1200 they had been fragmented, with various tribes fighting one another — their divisions encouraged by neighbors such as the Ruzhen (Jin) of northern Manchuria, who wished to see the Mongols remain weak.

In the late 1100’s and early 1200’s a Mongol military leader named Temujin (Temüjin) was creating a confederation of tribes, Mongol and non-Mongol but which would be called Mongol. He was a good manager, collecting under him people of talent. And, when necessary, he warred. In 1202 his forces fought and defeated the Tatars to his immediate east. He had no hope of them, so he put the surviving men to the sword and distributed the women and children among other tribes.

A Game of Cards

A Game of Cards

THE FOLLOWING CURIOUS ARTICLE IS TAKEN FROM AN ENGLISH NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR, 1773 and is called the “Perpetual Almanac of the Soldier’s Prayer Book”, by Risand Dane a private soldier belonging to the 42nd Regiment, who was taken before the mayor of Glasgow for playing cards during divine service.

Being sternly reprimanded for this act, the soldier explained as follows, beginning with the ace: “It reminds me there, is but one God. When 1 see the duce, it reminds me of the Father and son. When I see the three it reminds me of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The four‑spot reminds me of the four evangelists: Matthew Mark, Luke and John. The Five reminds me of the five wise virgins who trimmed their lamps, there were ten, but five were foolish.

The Old Testament Roots of Celtic Mythology

The Old Testament Roots of Celtic Mythology

THE MYTHOLOGY OF DRUIDISM is said to have been brought to England in ancient times by Hu Gadarn Hysicion, who came from the east with a party of colonists and built Stonehenge. Who were these Eastern colonists? Historians tell us that Phoenician-speaking peoples colonized the British Isles in early times. The Israelites, a seafaring people, spoke a Phoenician dialect, and the early history of these two peoples is intertwined. The Bible speaks of Israelites sending “ships to Tarshish,” or Spain, and Solomon’s navy sailed with the Phoenicians on their trade and colonizing expeditions. (2 Chron. 9:21; Isa. 60:9) Phoenician speaking peoples, including Israelites, colonized Spain and Britain in ancient times, mining ores such as silver, iron, tin, and lead, as we document in our tract, “ANCIENT HEBREW SEA MIGRATIONS” The Druidic religion of early Britain should therefore exhibit signs of both Hebrew and Phoenician origins.