Wednesday Night Bible Study 27th March 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 27th March 1968

QUESTION: Why has the government changed its mind on flying objects?

ANSWER: It isn’t exactly that they have changed their minds. It is that they are trying to cover it up. They are saying there are lights in the sky or mysterious objects that are explainable. But they know they are flying saucers. they knew this fifteen years ago. They knew they were on the radar screens even though invisible. They have done everything possible to discourage this knowledge of the flying saucers. But they have no way to kid it anymore. In fact back in Massachusetts over Boston, last year people saw them in the daytime. Law enforcement people saw them. Air crafts tried to intercept them and they just kept ahead of the air craft and soared away into space. But everybody wrote about it and they couldn’t get out of it by saying it was swamp gas in the daytime. They have had cases where people just disappeared; five of six cases over the last six months.