Wednesday Night Bible Study 15 June 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 15 June 1966

QUESTION: If the areas of the heavens are visible to the naked eye, then are any of the areas of the heavenlies or spiritual areas visible to the naked eye?

ANSWER: Well, this might seem a far fetched question but not quite as far out as you might think. We know that we do have one area of physical occupation of the earth for everything that God created, for He made it also in a physical creation, and this reaches out to the furthermost outskirts of the Universe into the sidereal systems, and the immensity where it was created out of the elements like that of earth. We have a spectroscopic analysis which takes the light rays from various suns and runs them through the spectroscopes and determines the chemicals, what they are made of.

And of course we have the spectroscope analysis of earth, but so far we haven’t come up with any new chemicals, but the entire Universe is made up of the same chemicals you have here in earth. These things are visible to the eye, and you can see the burning suns and look across the vastness of space and see these things. The MOST HIGH GOD has been creating for ages and ages, in fact there is no end, no period of time when HE WAS NOT CREATING for ages and ages, in fact there is no end. When John heard the sound of the trumpet and lifted up his head he heard these words: “I am Alpha and Omega, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, the first, the last” and now John fell on his face, but he described this Glory of the MOST HIGH GOD. Then he heard these words: “Stand on your feet John, you were not afraid when you walked with ME in Galilee.” But HE was ALPHA AND OMEGA the beginning and the end, and there was no one before HIM, for HE is GOD. YAHWEH-YAHSHUA.