Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 38

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 38

THIS IS MY THIRTY-EIGHTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER, and I am now in my fourth year of publication. Since the time I completed my thirty-seventh letter for May, there has been a series on television entitled Secrets Of The Pharaohs. As I am usually working on my teaching letters a couple of months ahead of time, I recorded this series of television programs in February of this year.

The first of the three showings was on the 18th Dynasty of Egypt which we have been considering as being contemporary with the Israelite captivity in Egypt. The second in this series was about the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Recently they have found a buried city near there which they believe was used to house the workers that built it. The third in the series did not relate to our study. There was also a program on TLC entitled Egypt’s Lost City which was about Akhenaten’s city known today as Tell el-Amarna. About a year ago, I caught a four-part series entitled Egyptian Mummies.

Part four of that series was about Tutankhamen. This is simply amazing as I no more than got a good start on the subject of Egypt and all this information is being addressed on television. Also, since lesson #37, I found a book entitled The Bible Is History by Ian Wilson. This 1999 book is simply outstanding and filled with useful and fantastic information. Also, I was advised by a person on my mailing list there was a good article in the January, 2001 National Geographic entitled “Ancient Ashkelon.” As you may see, with all this new information, in addition to my previous research, I have been quite busy.