Character and Claims of Freemasonry By Rev. Charles G. Finney (Ex-mason)
The following is a reprint of Chapter VII taken from Charles G. Finney’s work on Freemasonry. The complete book is sold for 75 cents paper cover and $1.25 cloth cover, at 850 W. Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois.
The work is self explanatory and discloses the awful possibilities if Freemasons are elected to any office either in Church or State.
Our investigations and researches into the best authorities on Freemasonry brings us to the conclusion that there can be no improvement in the social and economic life of any nation while Freemasons are elected to public office.
These hitherto untouchables are, through the higher reaches of their movement allied with, and are the willing tools of most of the subversive organizations that are now keeping the world in a perpetual state of unrest.
Individually they are a perpetual danger and collectively they are a menace to the peace of the world.
Freemasons are not free men, they are oath bound slaves to an International conspiracy, and that conspiracy is to destroy the present civilization and to build a glorified Judaism on the debris.
P. M.