Why You Cannot Turn Back

Why You Cannot Turn Back

THERE IS NO DOUBT BUT THAT WE AS A PEOPLE ARE IN TROUBLE IN AMERICA TODAY. There is also no doubt that the areas we get into trouble as a people, and a race, are those areas where we have violated directly the laws of God. These are the laws which are the foundation of the establishment of laws of the Kingdom for Israel. These laws said that Israel was to be a separate people, they were not to dwell with strangers in their midst, for their own security. In fact the laws of God were very strict on this area, and when Israel observed these laws they were well off. Then when the great nations which descended out of the people of this Book violate these laws; then they are in trouble.

We are told that in the Latter Days many will depart from the Faith. We are told in Timothy that many not only will depart from the faith but that they will give heed to evil spirits and doctrines of devils. Thus the laws of God which have followed our people thru thousands of years are all set aside, and people believe in the doctrines of devils. I tell you that instead of trying to make one family out of all races, and instead of trying to make one world government over all people we should be strictly the strategy of Satanic design, against the great white nations of the western world. Against your culture, your civilization, and your background from whence you came. This white civilization is in great danger today only because of the attitude of leaders who have been seduced by a lie, and are seeking to spread the program of the world order, and have seduced people who are spreading this lie, and calling it the program of God. It is more important for you to be on the side of God, even though they call you a bigot as you stand for the Word of God than for you to accept the world order which is headed for destruction.