Transforming Power

Transforming Power

AS WE TURN TO THE SUBJECT THIS AFTERNOON, TRANSFORMING POWER, but first we analyse the verse that relates to it so as to understand what our inheritance is, in this great and mighty purpose of God. We go thru a lot of strange situations in our environment and never have we gone thru a more turbulent period. Never has there been a period classified as the household of God, the sons of God, as this period known as ‘Jacob’s trouble. And because this is a time of Jacob’s troubles and as a race and a nation, we go through these things, there are many people who find that the turbulence and the pressure around are ones that startle them.

And some even wonder if there is going to be a possibility of victory. Every once in a while I listen to the voice of someone who is wishing for better things for their nation and would like to see the powers of darkness defeated. And they think they are beholding the increase of the tempo of these periods of darkness. Some of them are about to surrender in their thinking to the idea that they must get out of this world, for it is developing everything in its own order. For instance, I listened to one person saying that we are just fighting a resistance battle and we are in a long route of retreat, and God is going to have to get us out of here in a hurry. So with this anticipation, they are not working as hard as they might, thinking they are going to win.