They Who Rule One Hour With The Beast

They Who Rule One Hour With The Beast


CHRIST PROMISED HIS DISCIPLES THAT BY THE CONSECRATION OF THE BREAD AND THE WINE that He would transfer the flowing power and Grace of His Spirit from heaven to earth, that when men assimilated them thru the process of digestion He would charge their bodies with the processes of His Spirit. That His Spirit would purify the ailments of their bodies. That His Spirit would clear the areas of the errors from their minds. That it would permit the Spirit to gain major control over the thinking and over the life, and the actions of His people.

Therefore there was a nourishment in the table set of God. This table He told us, never to leave off assembling of this supper. He said many of us would not understand this, and because of not understanding, do not realize that here is the Lord’s body and the blood of the Lord in the transference of this Mystery of the Communion. We urge you to come to the full understanding and to recognize that the communion as it is consecrated for its use becomes as the blood and body of Christ. You become joined with Him in the hour of His atonement, so that you may know the power of His Resurrection, while we live. We acknowledge that this was a Holy program instituted by Christ, for His Church.