The Wave of The Future

The Wave of The Future

Tonight as we speak on the subject ‘The wave of the future,’ we are looking forward to some inevitable facts, that will soon be made manifest as patterns of history. We are also consciously aware that there are things which we must think and which we must recognize. And that is you cannot ever return to yesterday. Therefore with this inability to return to yesterday we must shape tomorrow better than yesterday. And not permit tomorrow to run into a pattern which may have brought on yesterdays destruction.

I find a certain design upon the part of many good people to think about the good things of yesterday. And as they think upon it, they tell us how wonderful it was before the subversion. How wonderful it was before the powers of darkness made their way in. And they wonder how we can return to those good days. But I am going to tell you that you have been in a conflict ever since your race has been upon the earth. This is a conflict upon the earth for you who have emerged from one man’s family into a great company of nations, tonight. This company of nations is made up out of your race. And through the course of history and the patterns of destiny, have formulated their patterns of development into the great nations of the Western World. The forces they have faced and the struggles which they have passed through has helped today to form the society and civilization which we call Western Culture. And it is important that we bear in mind, this realism that we are a part of a living force and a Stream of Light. That this living stream is a racial stream and a family stream. And the most important pattern of its retention is this spiritual force within it to carry out its destiny is a spiritually designated racial, self-respect.