The Race of Destiny

The Race of Destiny

WE ARE SPEAKING TO YOU ON A SUBJECT WHICH IS VITALLY IMPORTANT TO EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU. It is important to everyone in the world, for there exists today a great breakdown in truthful teaching. This is to be found in many facets of influence upon public opinion. I might say that the heaviest responsibility lies at the door of the church, and is to be found entrenched deep in educational systems, and supported by all the enemies of your civilization, your society, and most directly by the enemies of your Faith. This is the attempt to destroy your Racial self‑respect.

The design is to wipe out, destroy the separateness of the white race from the other races of the world. The design is not one merely to bring about social progress, the design is one to destroy the nation and the race which today is the leading civilization. There can be no question of the fact that the white race, and the nations which make up the white race, today are without question as far as the accumulated masses of knowledge are concerned, masters of the intellectual field.

As we look out over the world today we hear much about the inferiority of the American, British, or German technique. We are told that science is making greater progress among our enemies. We are being told that we are on the way to the discard. And that there exists no greater properties among the white race than any other people on the face of the earth. And that Asia is equal in ability, and equal for obtaining Mastery in the earth. Or it might be evolving out of a quickening nationalising inside of Africa.