Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1987

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1987

IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING THAT THE GOVERNMENT IS BOGGED DOWN BY THE IRAN-CONTRA AFFAIR; don’t be fooled by that Charade. Behind the scene they are busy as usual, passing the buck, and spending it.

We are seeing false information being sold to the American people as true, thus as always. There are strong opinions on both sides of this question, one being that the world would be a better place under a One World Government, while the other side believes in a strong America able to protect herself. President Reagan’s statement that the SDI program is not for sale is not acceptable to the other side. Both sides in this issue are represented in his administration, and since he took so many ‘foxes’ into his administration to begin with, then all the holdovers from other administrations who were already there, it is hard to hold any edge of power.

Now; according to Pat Buchanan, who is now on the outside of the Administration, President Reagan thought the administration should block the extradition of Karl Linnas. the Estonian who fought the same enemy we have been preparing to fight, namely the Soviet Union. The Attorney General tried to send Karl Linnas to another country instead of the Soviet Union. But certain FBI agents dragged Linnas aboard a plane and took him to Soviet occupied Estonia. But what about that little country, and its place in history?