Isaiah Up To Date

Isaiah Up To Date

Something new came to my attention, about a week ago, which surprised me considerably. It has to do with one of the ancient countries, yet it is startling modern. It shows one of the Bible’s prophecies working out now, which I believe none of us had expected until at least into the time of the final great war.

I want to tell you about Egypt and about something that is happening there now. It came about unexpectedly and it shows that Yahweh knows events that are to happen, well ahead of us. Perhaps at this point we should have a short review of ancient Egyptian history.

This history is quite difficult to pin down with exact dates. The Egyptian priest named Manetho, about 250 B. C., wrote the only authentic history of Egypt. The difficulty is that no copy of Manetho’s history exists; all we have of it are the fragmentary quotes, in the works of some Greek historians. These Greek historians didn’t all quote it alike, so we do have problems.