ASTRONOMERS HAVE DISCOVERED A ‘GREAT WALL’ OF GALAXIES STRETCHING ACROSS THE HEAVENS, in the northern Hemisphere. It is said to be composed of at least 2000 very bright stars or Galaxies. They have also discovered that there is a vacant region in that area of the Northern Heavens. They are finding that there is bigger and bigger things out there in the heavens where it would take ‘TIME’ to build. This is said to disturb the ‘Big Bang’ Theory, and once more they are asking how did the Universe get that way?? Even if we told them would they finally believe??
Another story or rumour surfaced, this reunification of Germany is very disturbing to some people. They have even resurrected the story that Hitler is still alive. He is over 100 years old living in the mountains of Chile with the Indians who treat him as a God. A respected anthropologist is said to have found evidence that proves that Hitler and Eva Braun came to Chile in a U Boat. Nazi memorabilia was supposedly found in this hut where Hitler had lived for 44 years, but he was not there. The Indians claim that he is now very frail, but has a clear mind. Hitler is said to have been a great doctor to the Indians, and they care for him, and supposedly carried him away when white men were coming to the hut, and will fight and even kill to protect him
A new Chapter was unearthed in the story of the Mayan Civilization of Central America when Archaeologists identified a large centre of Mayan civilization and extended the time factor back many more years before the birth of The Christ, back at least 400 to 600 years before the birth of the Christ child. This site lies about 350 miles from Guatemala City.