YES, IT WAS A BOMB WHICH BROUGHT DOWN FLIGHT 103, Terrorism in action. Of course did you notice that right away the TV tried to suggest that it was a PLO group which did it? We expected that the New Administration is more pro-Arab, could this be true? I am also reading that the power of the CFR is also abating.
From the Will Loy Newsletter: Mr. Loy sees great catastrophic changes coming in 1989 and on into 1990 that will totally change the world, our Nation and our lives. He also thinks these changes are survivable for those who prepare themselves. How do you do that? In the way you think and believe. Therefore in 1989 begin to change, adopt a new attitude, don’t continue doing things the same old way just out of habit thinking the years just ahead will be just like they always have been.
In other words the year 1989 could be the last year for certain things to be, AS IS. But remember also that being a survivor is not running away but preparing to go through the coming events as we have also been telling you. Mr. Loy also thinks this New Congress will be the worst Congress in our history. They will pass terrible new laws, make some terrible decisions and really mess things up in a bad way, but then remember that people voted them back into power, so they asked for it.