The Kingdom of God is Within

The Kingdom of God is Within

AS WE TURN TO YOUR SUBJECT AND LOOK FOR THE POWER OF THIS KINGDOM, we also see some of the facets of the design of the evil conspiracy of some government officials and agencies as they try to integrate your race, little realizing what they are doing, that they are only following the guidance of Luciferianism.

But turning to the scripture in our subject, we turn to the Gospel of Luke, the 17th chapter and the 21st verse. Here, Jesus is talking to the Pharisees who are not of the ‘false’ Pharisee group. Here are men who are debating with Jesus. And these men of Israel, doctors of the law, they said unto Jesus, ‘When will the Kingdom of God come on earth?’

Now, they were aware that the Kingdom would come, that it must come to pass, for they felt a strange tugging as the spirit of God made them realize that the Kingdom would soon be revealed. And Jesus said, ‘The Kingdom of God cometh not by observation, neither shall they say, ‘lo, here, or there. For behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.’ (Luke 17:21). This seemed like a strange statement. For surely, when the Kingdom of god finally comes in, it will come with great power and Glory. It will come in with mighty battles and defeat of the powers of darkness. Thus, what did Jesus mean by this statement that ‘the Kingdom of God would not come by observation.’?? Because the actual development was a plan of God which has been echoing down the ages, and fulfilling most of the passages of scripture, although blind people could not understand it unless spiritually, it was brought to their attention. So when Jesus said that the spirit of God was in them, little did they understand what it was that HE meant.