The War Against The Christian World

The War Against The Christian World

Richmond Virginia, former capital of the Confederacy and now capital of the State of Virginia, is a prosperous Southern town which is seemingly at peace with the world. That is to say, the Christian population of Richmond believes itself to be at peace with the world. The Jewish population, which controls from fifty to seventyfive per cent of Richmond’s business, knows it is at war with the Christian world. Three Jewish students at Douglas S. Freeman High School brought suit against Henrico County, the operator of the school. Their complaint was that at the approaching graduation ceremony, a brief and perfunctory prayer was to open the proceedings. These Jews, James. Grossberg, Judy Gordon, and Helaine Wolpert, complained that this short prayer would be offensive to them.

This Jewish attack against the Christian majority was, as usual, conducted with typical duplicity. A Jewish lawyer, Artie Samuel, of the American Civil Liberties Union, conducted the attack without charge. ACLU is supported by tax-exempt donations. It is an interesting point that any group which attacks Christianity can gain instant tax-exemption from the Federal Government, but a group which calls itself Christian finds that there is a long and rocky road towards obtaining tax exemption. During the hearings, which were held in U.S. District Court before Judge Robert Merhige, the Jews never once referred to the fact that they were Jews, or that they were attacking Christians. Not once did the County officials, who were de-fending the case, bring up this crucial point. Not once did the Richmond newspapers, which gave the case front page publicity, refer to the fact that the Jews would be deeply offended if, during this short prayer, the hated name of Jesus Christ might be mentioned, causing them unbearable suffering.