The Distinction Between Sons And Servants

The Distinction Between Sons And Servants

AS WE TURN IN OUR THINKING THIS AFTERNOON AS TO THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SERVANTS AND SONS. It becomes a more vital subject in this period, in which it seems that the undertaking of a great number of Clergymen to try to level all people, and equalize all areas of Society. And to have no distinguishing marks or characteristics of the various classes of the social order of earth. If you discuss these things you find this is not the responsibility of the church. But when the Clergy and the officials of the world order discuss it then they make it the business of the church to level all people to the least common denominator.

There then are a great number of people then who feel that this is a part of the Gospel. But I want you to know that the Gospel never worked on the policy of levelling all people to the least common denominator. Nor did it seek to say that at any time all people who lived upon the earth or dwelt in the Universe is in the same category, or nor were they all of the begotten of the Most High. There is no question about the separatism of the purposes of God’s kingdom. To keep those not of the kingdom, out, or to re-gather them that are of the highest order in the earth by the instances of God’s own will. Into a higher standard of living and function and operation, than they are accustomed to under the influence of the world order.