The Churches Responsibility in Opposing Babylon

The Churches Responsibility in Opposing Babylon

WE HAVE TODAY JUST PASSED ANOTHER HISTORIC OCCASION IN THE HISTORY OF THE NATION OF WHICH WE ARE A PART. Because this nation is a great and vital part of God’s Kingdom on earth, and to it prophecy has delegated great responsibility above all nations. And because you and I as Christians, are not only members of His Church, but citizens of this great nation of His Kingdom. Therefore there is related to you the impact of events.

And you are a part of all the purpose of God which is being fulfilled in this end of the age, and at this time. In fact, so much are you a part of the events of this day, that the hour of your birth was known unto the Father before the world was framed. And you helped to make up that mosaic of energy and spirit which He intended to exist in the earth at this time. And this catalyst of energy and spirit has the impact which God has ordained for this hour.

There is one great and mighty truth concerning God’s Kingdom, that whatsoever had been planned by God concerning it, he shall release in spirit and energy and purpose, he shall place in the formula every necessary ingredient to bring about that which he has ordained from the beginning.