Supporting The Power of The Unseen World

Supporting The Power of The Unseen World

WE ARE DWELLING IN A PERIOD OF TIME IN WHICH THERE IS A TENDENCY due to the growth of materialism which has been used as mental warfare against God’s Kingdom, to over look the supernatural powers and Divine force that is directed into the areas of human existence, for the development of Divine purpose. In fact, there has developed such a technological age because we have developed so many of these things out of what we think to be merely scientific investigation, that many do not recognize that this vision and this understanding comes to a race and to a household which is directly related to the MOST HIGH. We do not always recognize that all of the great visions and technological developments would be found among the offspring of the MOST HIGH GOD, and the Household that HE established in the earth. These patterns of science and developments do not come out of Asia, or out of Africa. But all of the areas of scholarship which is produced in our time, which has within it the great accumulation of knowledge and wisdom, only moves through the channels of vision and inspiration.

We as a great nation, are in a time of trouble. All of the great Christian nations of the world are in a great time of trouble. And our struggle for survival is a complex one. The reason for this is that a great number of people do not know that a battle for their minds has been going on for some time, and the concepts of the world order round about them that is made proper by constant repetition, is actually a dangerous design which would destroy their civilization, blot out the vision and the wisdom and plunge the world into an era of controlled darkness in the hands of Lucifer.
Let me point out to you that the great Christian nations of the world have been entrapped already.