Switzerland Knights Templar and Nazis

Switzerland Knights Templar and Nazis

Theatrically, the Templars disappeared off the scene in 1307, after having secured their future by founding Switzerland in 1291. During this year, the last of the Crusades and the final “retreat” took place, escaping to Europe and Switzerland; thereafter calling the latter Sui-Ilse (Soeurs Isis) or Schw(e)-Iss (Schwester Isis). During the Crusades, the Templars massively butchered civilians in Jerusalem; then butchered some of the later generations in 1933-1945.

During the last Crusade, the last Templar stronghold, Akkon, fell on May 18th, 1291. Only 2 Months later, just the time it took to travel to Europe. Switzerland was founded on August 1″, 1291. This is why the Swiss flag remains a simplified Templar’s flag in the same red and white colours; and why a Templar Warrior’s shield is still shown, with the Templar’s cross on it, at the front of all the Swiss embassies — a real provocation to the Muslim world.

Much of the Gold from ancient Egypt and Jerusalem was transported to Switzerland —-so we can assume that this is where the famous Templar’s treasure has been hoarded. A similar process seems to have happened during the Second World War, where treasure ended up in Switzerland, having been seized from the House of Judah [The Germans] — which would not have included Khazars, Edomites, Kenites, AshkeNAZlm, Pharisees, “Serpent Seed” (“Reptiles”) or Zionists.