A Demographic Study Relating to The Holocaust

A Demographic Study Relating to The Holocaust

1. The American Jewish Yearbook of September 14, 1939 until October 2, 1940 (volume 41) states in all of Europe: 5,589,837 Jews.

2a. If Russia is included: 9,394,837 Jews (The Spotlight October 1979, page 7)

3. The same Jewish Yearbook of 1939, page 583: World Jewry: 16,180,000

4. New York Times of February 22, 1948 “from their own secret census”: between 16,150,000 and 19,200, 000

5. A publication of the American Jewish Committee dated 1940: “in 1933: 15,315,359”.

6. Prof. Arthur Rupin of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem: in 1938: 16,717,000

7. The World Almanac of 1945: 15,192,089

8, The World Almanac of 1946: 15,753,638

9. The American Jewish Committee in the World Almanac of 1949: 16,643,120

10. Rabbi Soetendorp in his TV-interview on the Netherlands network in March 1980: World Jewry demography: 14 million Jews in 1980.