There are 6 systemic variables that determine what we put into and onto our bodies.
FIRST, OUR PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS control what we put into our bodies from conceivement to adolescence. Second, the food and personal care products industries research, develop and produce the processed choices for us. Third, our culture and life experience, media and education contribute to our programming. Fourth, our body has specific and general programming, usually subconscious, that influence our choices. Fifth, we can exert a continuum of conscious control over what we put in and on our bodies, ranging from all to none. Sixth, the collective marketplace, including regulation, determines the dynamics of availability, composition, labelling, price and accountability.
We believe that a comprehensive Nurture, Equality, Truth and Systems viewpoint of ingredients requires a proof process that assesses each person’s body specifically, that tracks the quantity of the product ingested or absorbed, that identifies accurately all ingredients; the processes, mechanisms and secondary resources used to produce the ingredients, the availability of alternatives and the judgement across a spectrum of multivariate factors as to whether any ingredient, or any mix of ingredients within the product or associated with application, has the relative and absolute probability to cause harm that reduces the potential of a component or system in a human body.