The Camouflaged Nation

The Camouflaged Nation

THE ENTIRE BIBLE, BOTH OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS, is written about and addressed to a race whom Yahweh calls My people Israel, they are not and never were Jews. All of Yahweh’s promises in the Bible were made to Israel. Either Yahweh has failed miserably to carry out His promises, or else Israel, His people, are still to be found in the world today, receiving the blessings which Yahweh promised to them. If they are here, who are they and where have they been residing?

From the time of the exodus from Egypt, the people Israel were organized into a nation of 12 tribes, just like the United States of 50 states. After they entered the promised land of Palestine, Israel continued as this 12 tribed nation until the death of Solomon. Then they split into two nations, the ten northern tribes keeping the name Israel, while the two southern tribes took the name Judah. The northern kingdom Israel, was later conquered by Assyria and by 715 B.C., they were all deported and resettled around the southern end of the Caspian Sea. By 713 B.C., the Assyrians also invaded Judah and deported a large part of this population to the same Caspian Sea area.

From this time on, Bible history does not trace the further progress of Israel, except that the Apocrypha, II Esdras 13:40-45 traces their movements as far as ar-Sareth, valley of the Sereth river, which still bears that name in Romania. For many centuries, after the nation Israel disappeared from Bible history, Bible prophecy still promises the nation a magnificent future, recognizing their continued existence. Not only the Old Testament, but also all the books in the New Testament are addressed to Israel as I have shown you from time to time. Since Israel’s Assyrian captivity, under what camouflage have they been hidden from our eyes during these intervening centuries?