Did God Build a “Nation” or a “Race”?

Did God Build a “Nation” or a “Race”?

THE “TITLE” of my thesis is directed to those that may not be familiar with the Christian Identity Message or to those that “know” about it but have a different Scriptural viewpoint of this matter because they only use a select few verses of Scripture that they twist out of context to “prove” their ideas. For those in between, I hope this to be an informative “review.”

I find my article necessary because “someone” (and a few others) who claims to have been in “on the ground floor” of the Christian Identity Movement, states God was building a “NATION” when he called Israel and NOT a “RACE” and refers to TWO main verses of Scripture to prove his/their doctrine, as well as a few other “minor” verses that are twisted out of context. The problem and confusion here lies in the fact that “NATION” is referred to MANY times in Scripture in regards to Israel, so I can understand where that viewpoint comes from, but then again, when you look at the BEGINNING of that “NATION” and the pertinent verses that accompany this subject, it is CLEARLY about “RACE”!!! Yes, God clearly built a “NATION” of Israel, but He did it with a specific “RACE” of People, and THAT should have been clear to the people who claim to have studied this situation.