I Am The Way

I Am The Way

WE ARE SPEAKING THIS AFTERNOON ON THE SUBJECT TAKEN FROM THE WORDS OF JESUS, I Am the Way. There is probably among the important things men should know, nothing that should be of more significance to us than, that we should understand our relationship to the great plan of God as to why we are here, how we are to accomplish the objectives which He has in store for His Kingdom, for you can be sure these objectives will be accomplished. Also to realize our relationship both to God and to His purpose for as we have a similitude between ourselves and God to understand, it is most significant we realise these things. We turn to these words of Jesus in the 14th., chapter of John in which Jesus makes this statement: ‘I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE.’ And then He makes this statement: ‘No man can come unto the father but by me.’ It is most important for us to understand this strange and enigmatic condition of God not only dwelling among men, but of the fullness of YAHWEH, God dwelling among men.