His Name Shall Endure

His Name Shall Endure

AS WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO OUR MESSAGE, The name of the LORD shall endure forever,’ there is little question about the great truths and the mighty declarations of the Most High. And in these issues we want the people to realize that one of the biggest issues in prophecy of all time and all history, is little understood. For very few people know anything about the name of God. In fact, therefore, the 72nd Psalm said: “His name shall endure forever. His name shall endure as long as the sun.”

He tells us that men shall be blessed in HIM and nations shall call him blessed. “For blessed be YAHWEH, the God of Israel, who only does wondrous things. Blessed be his glorious name forever. Let the whole earth be filled with His Glory.” Amen–Amen.

Oh, you say, ‘that is a wonderful thing.’ But that is not what it says here. It says ‘blessed be Baal.’ For that is what it says here. The word God is Baal, here. For in ancient Babylon they had a great statue of a dog and that was their god. The word God and the Babylonian word dog are one and the same thing. Did you happen to notice that in this declaration that the word LORD is always Baal? For the word for LORD and Baal are the same thing.