Help From The Heavens

Help From The Heavens

AS WE MOVE INTO OUR SUBJECT OF ‘HELP FROM THE HEAVENS,’ there is not doubt in my mind that we have arrived at one of the most spectacular times in our history. We believe that we are again going to see the hand of Divine energy and power lifted for the protection of God’s Kingdom. We will see forces out of the dimensions and out of the areas even from beyond our own solar system, become involved in human affairs. The majesty of such a spectacle is beyond even our ability to imagine, because we have not experienced these things in our recollections. But we beheld the massive forces of the MOST HIGH in the ages before we dwelt in this earth, where we now dwell. There are certain things that require and demand that there be a great call by God’s people for such an hour.

I just had called to my attention, a disturbing factor which should require all of the legal abilities of those associated with the church and the Kingdom of God to so act. I happen to have the Shipners paper which is published in Spokane, WA., where he has been preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and his church has been in existence for some time. And in the carrying on of the conduct of his ministry like every other Kingdom minister; we would be compelled to recognize the violation of Divine Law which takes place on national levels. And as such, as Kingdom ministers are aware that it is a violation of Divine Law, this gathering ourselves together with pagan countries and evil forces such as the United Nations. And so, he had denounced the United Nations and the mongrelisation of our society