From Mystery to Revelation

From Mystery to Revelation

COL. GREER: GREETINGS from the tape ministry of Dr. W. A. Swift. Everyday like a great whirlpool the events of life go ever faster as we approach the inevitable end of the course our country is taking. As your dollar shrinks in value day by day and your enemies grow ever stronger, then weak leadership flounders like a lost ship in a storm. If it were not for the eternal promises of our heavenly Father we would be without hope. The Bible says that God will be inquired of by us to come to our aide. How far down the tube we go depends on how far we must be chastised before calling upon God for delivery. God is not mocked, nor is He defeated. He is on a victory course to defeat the evil enemy, who plans to side track the on coming Kingdom of God.

Today’s talk from the library of the late Dr. Wesley A. Swift should be heard by every white person on earth. It is a thrilling disclosure of the challenge to our race. Now, sit back and enjoy the talk entitled: “From Mystery to Revelation” ‑‑‑ Dr. Swift:‑